
The Finest, Most Professional Security Officers

Estate Security Services provides the finest, most professional Security Officers for your estate. Our Officers are exclusively active or retired Law Enforcement personnel of the highest caliber and can be utilized in covert or visible applications, depending on your specific needs.

Estate Security Services prides itself on hiring the best personnel available who are able to utilize their Law Enforcement & First Aid Training to protect one specific family and one specific estate.

Our Officers are exclusively active or retired Law Enforcement personnel of the highest caliber and can be utilized in covert or visible applications, depending on your specific needs.

These Security persons are highly trained to not only protect the family members, but also protect the confidentiality and the assets of the estate.

Primary estates, second homes, or a vacation getaway… Estate Security Services can meet any or all of your security needs.

  • Recruit / train / hire
  • Background checks
  • Licenses / bonafide credentials
  • Resume
  • Physical shape
  • Knowledge of the area
  • Training manuals
  • Daily officer logs (DOLs)
  • Personnel placement
  • Personnel Procedural manual